Retrograde Uber Nights Part One

Hey guys! Wooo honey its been awhile! I'm getting back into the swing of things! So you know I have to come back hard with a story! So sit back, and relax, and listen to what happened to me one crazy retrograde uber night!

So one of my very awesome friends invites me to a birthday get together they are having for one of her friends. This shindig was taking place at Pal's in mid city. Very cool place might I add! Lately, I've been doing all kinds of things to get me out of my comfort zone, and man I've been having the time of my life! Well anyway that night because I'm a crazy Pisces woman who reads her horoscope diligently everyday, don't judge me! My horoscope said something along  the lines of this..... Mercury is about to fuck your night up don't go out.... I'm not lying that's what it said. ANYWAY usually I'm all about reevaluating plans if the stars have weird signs... again don't judge me! This night I was like I'm willing to live dangerously... That was a mistake I shall never make again.

My friend text me, and was like hey girl we are here I'm sorry I didn't text you sooner, but come on out! First of all I was knocked out when she text me... I worked that day and was exhausted, and on top of that I had work for 6 a.m. the next morning so just remember that cause it's important. Anyway I decided against driving so I got on my uber app, and I was like beam me up uber! I had to wait maybe five minutes, and my uber ride had arrived! Also y'all I was fully dressed and made up when I fell asleep so I was good to go!

I get into the front seat which is also a mistake I will never make again, and this is what happens....
Good evening I say to my driver she looks over, and gives me a big smile, and says hey baby how are you doing tonight? I say I'm doing well, and then we take off! I ask her how her night is going and she said pretty great you are my first rider of the night! I said oh ok cool! I notice she has an accent so I ask her where she is from, and she says here, but lived in California for the last 20 years. I say wow, so what bought you back? She then takes a deep breath, and begins to sob, and she screams my mom passed away two days ago... At this point I'm like oh Goddess help me.... I told her I'm so sorry, and she begins to cry harder, and to also loose control of the car we are in. So I ask her how can I help her cause I'm not dying in this car tonight! She grabs my hand, and says do you know any church songs? I said yes I do! She says sing a sweet song for me. Again goddess help me... I'm so nervous I can't think... All I can think about is how disappointed my gran would be that I can't think of a single song...

A song finally comes to me! Donnie McClurkin we fall down! I know this whole song. So I begin to sing. I'm singing for my life y'all! Get this she starts clapping and I realize she has no hands on the wheel I quickly open my eyes and put my hands on the wheel! At this point we are on the interstate, so I'm nervous as hell! I finish the song, and she looks at me and says baby that was beautiful thank you so much! I'm like no problem ma'am, and I start to laugh nervously as I'm thinking how can I get out of this damn death car.... She looks over at me, and says my phone died do you know where we are going? So I look at her and I say no! I know its in mid city.. so she says look it up... so I have to attach my phone to her set up so we can get to where we are going.  We finally get there and before she has even stopped completely I'm opening my door, but she grabs me one more time to say I don't know how to get home from here can you pull it up on your gps? At this point I know where I am so I give her directions, and she says to me I would rather see your gps.... OH would you now?!

I show her my gps and she looks some things over and she says bye baby have fun with your friends....

Stop by tomorrow for the next part y'all trust me things go from bad to worse....


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