
Showing posts from 2017

Black Bean Burgers and Ghosting

Hey guys it's been awhile! Sorry, y'all know how life is sometimes it comes at you fast and other times it's a slow crawl! Life has been crazy for me lately! Not in a bad way, but everything has been falling into place! Anyway y'all know I changed my diet and I'm vegetarian! In a year or two I would really like to go vegan, but it's going to be a slow transition! The main reason why I changed my diet is because of my fibroids, and  I had my first cycle on the new diet and new medicine I'm taking, and there has been no change so far.... I'm hoping next month will be different! I did make the decision to go through with a less invasive procedure to stop the fibroids all together! That won't be until next year though! So lately I had been craving a burger! Don't get me wrong I liked steak, and chicken, and all that other stuff lol, but for me  burgers are my jam! So I bought some fake meat options from Whole Foods to try out! The first was beyond me

Leave your past in the past!

So far October has been good to me! A couple of months ago though I did a massive reboot! I went through my contacts and I deleted and blocked a lot of men that I will call users. These men would call when they needed advice  about things going on in their lives, and like the awesome person I am I was there, but it was draining.... The problem came when I needed some advice it would take weeks or even months for me to get a response from these "men".  Well I got tired of it! So I blocked and deleted every one of them. I didn't feel bad, and I still don't. I did what was best for Fallon. Anyway things were going great, until a couple of days ago.... One guy in particular I really really liked ! Like had a major crush on him even when I was with my horrible ex! Anyway he would do things like call me everyday before work at like 5 am and we would talk on my way to work, and when I got to work because my store  doesn't open until 8. We would talk like this everyday ev

Sick Girls Club

Hey guys I guess I'll get right into it! I want you guys to understand this isn't easy for me to talk about, but if my story can help someone else I want to do that. For over a year now I've been having horrible periods. When I say I have horrible periods I don't mean I just have a couple of hard days. My periods are so heavy that I go through four or five boxes of tampons in four days. I get sick. I'm nauseous, I have the worse migraines I've ever experienced in my life, and because I'm losing so much blood I'm very weak. I barely eat, and my life revolves around my periods. If I cancel plans it's because I'm on my period. The cramps I have during my periods are so bad I've gotten dizzy and almost passed out from the pain. I can barely work because I go to the restroom every 20 minutes during an 8 hour shift. I've gone to so many doctors..... My first doctor tried to tell me it's because I need to lose weight. This doctor didn't

Autumn is here/ Short blog day

Hey guys Autumn is officially here! That literally means nothing in terms of weather in Louisiana! Y'all know I'm not lying it's still hot as hell at least until October! God, I can't wait until October! I'm so excited for all the decorations, creepy costumes, and horror movie marathons! I don't know about you all, but for me autumn has always been a time of heavy reflection, and rest! This has been one busy year for me so far, and I'm looking forward to a little bit of a slow down! I'm so thankful for all the new friends I've made this year so far, and all the lessons I've learned. What are some things you guys reflect on during this time?  What does autumn mean to you? I have friends all over this great big world, and I've been trying to understand how they feel about autumn! A lot of them feel the same way as I do! Autumn is such a magical time, easy days and cool nights! Are you guys going to any Halloween parties this year? I know I am!

Retrograde Uber Nights Part Two

Alright guys I know y'all are ready for the second part so lets get into it! Well I get dropped off at Pal's, and I end up having a nice chill night with my friends! I meet a couple of great people, and we just have an all around fun evening. This is when shit gets real, I have to call uber to get home because again I'm exhausted, and as I mentioned before I have work for 6 a.m. the next morning! I contact uber, and they tell me my ride is on the way! I have enough time to give hugs, say goodbyes, and all that jazz. My uber arrives, and this time its a younger woman. So I'm like ok this will be a chill ride home. She's playing some old school r&b, and I'm feeling relaxed.... We start talking, and she starts telling me I'm her last rider of the night because she lives on the west bank, and she's ready to go especially after her last riders... So I'm like girl what happened? She tells me this story of how it was a couple and they were sooooo dr

Retrograde Uber Nights Part One

Hey guys! Wooo honey its been awhile! I'm getting back into the swing of things! So you know I have to come back hard with a story! So sit back, and relax, and listen to what happened to me one crazy retrograde uber night! So one of my very awesome friends invites me to a birthday get together they are having for one of her friends. This shindig was taking place at Pal's in mid city. Very cool place might I add! Lately, I've been doing all kinds of things to get me out of my comfort zone, and man I've been having the time of my life! Well anyway that night because I'm a crazy Pisces woman who reads her horoscope diligently everyday, don't judge me! My horoscope said something along  the lines of this..... Mercury is about to fuck your night up don't go out.... I'm not lying that's what it said. ANYWAY usually I'm all about reevaluating plans if the stars have weird signs... again don't judge me! This night I was like I'm willing to live

Taking a break, staying positive, and being kind

Hey guys! I know it's been awhile, but I needed a little social media break. I follow so many different people on several different social media accounts for so many different things, but I think in this day and age we all do! Well I needed a break! I love seeing everyone's adventures, but man it was draining on me to constantly be "ready" at all times to take pictures. I have days that I don't wear makeup and I lounge around in yoga pants and drink wine with my friends. Other days I'm a 1950's screen queen. Never apologize for needing to take care of yourself! For a couple of years now, I've been having horrible periods. I've seen a couple different doctors and have had two different procedures to help, but nothing has helped. I have a new doctor now, and she seems determined to figure out what the problem is, and I'm excited!  I say this to say you guys would never have known that I'm part of the "sick girl's club" if I wo

Australian Adventure Story Finale

Well here it is guys, finale time! Once my friend picked me up we walked to her car, and I just looked at this new place around me! The first thing that I noticed is that they drive on the opposite side of the road, and the steering wheel is also on the other side.... A little weird a lot of cool! Anyway my friend was like what do you want to do? I was like take a shower, and eat some real food! So, we get to her house, and she has two other flat mates! Her younger sister Mollie, and a friend named Catie! I didn't get to spend a lot of time with her sister, but the time we did spend in each others company was lovely! Now Catie on the other hand I did spend time with, and she is absolutely amazing! We made fast friends, and I can't wait to get back and hang with them and have a proper jam session! You guys rememeber I said I wrote everyday? Well I want to share a couple of lines from my journal from the first two days I was there! This is so personal to me, but I want you gu

Australian Adventure Story Part 2

March 13th 2017, was the day I set off on my adventure! My flight left New Orleans around four p.m. My first stop was to San Francisco, and honestly I met a couple of characters on the way... Don't really want to get too much into it, but people are scammers all over the world.... So my suggestion to you is to be careful, and cautious. I met a scammer, and I was in California, but her ways didn't work on me. Anyway I was dressed as comfortable as possible in slip on tennis shoes, which I suggest because you have to go through security. Also I dressed in layers, which I also suggest. I only bought a carry on bag with me. That was my choice, and I'll only travel that way from now on. If you want a list of the things I packed, or you just want advice let me know, and send me a message. The flight from San Francisco to Sydney was so long, and I didn't sleep a wink! I bought all kinds of medicine, and it did NOT work! The great thing was I bought a couple of books, and a

Australian Adventure Story Part 1

I have wanted to travel to a different country for so long! Every year I would say I don't have the money, or I don't have the time. There was always some reason not to travel. In many ways break ups can push us on our path, and my break up pushed my life into overdrive! Here's how it all started; years ago when I was still in college I met a girl named Kristi. Kristi was super sweet, and so down to earth, and she still is. One day we were hanging out, and she said my cousin from Australia will be in town soon we all need to hang out! I was like yes, lets do it! Her cousins name in Alexandra, and she's awesome! Over the years Alexandra, and I kept in touch through facebook, and instagram. She would post these beautiful pictures of Australia, and I would become enchanated. One day she posted a picture, and it was beautiful! It was a picture of her and some friends on the beach, and in that picture that beach was calling me. I felt the feeling of coming home. It was a

Cleaning out the clutter of life

Hey guys it was a crazy weekend! Before I get started on the topic of this post, I met my besties new boyfriend, and guess what he's so awesome! He was also cool with me calling him jiu jitsu! He gets the best friend stamp of approval! Well here it goes recently I did a massive overhaul in my life. This can sometimes be a hard thing to do, but for me it was very easy. I give people so many chances, and usually they end up screwing themselves out of all this dopeness! On a serious note we have all had to do this at one time or another, and if you haven't I hope this helps if ever that time comes. Lately I've had people in my life that I thought were friends treat me less than stellar. I've known a long time that I needed to trim the fat, but its always so hard because we have created memories with these people, or learned lessons with these people. The thing you need to realize is that people grow apart, and we grow in different directions. It's okay to release t

Single Girl Feels

I did say I was going to write about things that are going on in my life, and try to give advice to others. So here's the deal. A lot of you who know me know that I was in a mentally abusive relationship, and when it ended it was a sigh of relief for myself, and a lot of my friends and family.  My best friend of course was there with a shoulder to cry on, but secretly I knew she was also ecstatic.  My best friends name is Brooke, and she's an amazing woman, if you guys have ever seen Parks and Recreation she's a mix of Leslie Knope, and Ann Perkins, and I'm Donna/April. If you do not understand this reference I need you to go watch Parks and Recreation now! My bestie has a medical background, and also a baking background. So she's my doctor, and also my personal pastry chef. Not really, but kinda..... Also she can cook, I mean she can really cook... just saying Well anyway its been a year that I've been single, and I'm starting to get what I like to call

Power Color

Yesterday my boss asked me to come to work "cute," today because our bakery is competing in a pie competition, and there needs to be some theatre around the whole competition. Since I do pie slices I am the perfect person! Well last night I was going through my wardrobe, and I decided on one of my favorite tops and skirts from Pinup Girl clothing. The top is red and the skirt is an Alice in Wonderland print. Here's the thing about me I have several favorite colors, but red and gray are my power colors! What's a power color you ask? Keep in mind this is my definition of a power color, but quite simply put it's when you put a certain color on you feel like a total badass goddess, and you command everyone's attention around you. Have you ever put on a certain outfit or a certain color, and just stood ten times straighter, or had a little extra pep in your step? That's what your power color does! I think it helps to bring out what's already there! That c

Be yourself

Good Morning everyone! Well its morning here, and it's a great day so far! Something I have been experiencing lately is people asking me where my confidence comes from. No one ask BeyoncĂ© or Rihanna where their confidence comes from, but because I'm a plus size woman I'm not supposed to be confident. Listen that's just a load of bull. I encouarge everyone to be confident in themselves. Honestly, I have never seen it as having confidence I'm just being myself. I know a lot of people are afraid to truly show who they really are to the world, but ask yourself why? There will always be some person that will try and pull you down, but who cares! Don't let the haters get you down! I find that when someone is different, and they don't fit into a perfect mold it makes people uncomfortable, and they respond the only way they know how, and unfortunately it's by bullying or picking on that person. Just know it's okay to march to your drum, and do your own t

How my love of turbans came about

I'm a turbanista on the go who also has a job in a bakery in a very busy well known store. This store has a dress code and rules, and blah blah blah...... Rules can be slightly bent so a few years ago I was looking for a way to show my personal flair, and turbans were something I was very familiar with because my big sister who at the time was also working with me always wore them. When you work in the kitchen hair has to be covered, and gloves are a must. My sisters name is Deberah, well anyway we all just call her Deb. I walked over to her department one morning when I came into work, and said hey where do you get your  turbans from? she said wig world in fat city. Honestly after that the rest is turban history because I went into wig world and got a lot of turbans in several colors. Over the years I started doing things like customizing my turbans putting jewels and diamonds on them or even wearing them with head chains. I got so interested in turbans and the different culture