Retrograde Uber Nights Part Two

Alright guys I know y'all are ready for the second part so lets get into it!

Well I get dropped off at Pal's, and I end up having a nice chill night with my friends! I meet a couple of great people, and we just have an all around fun evening. This is when shit gets real, I have to call uber to get home because again I'm exhausted, and as I mentioned before I have work for 6 a.m. the next morning! I contact uber, and they tell me my ride is on the way! I have enough time to give hugs, say goodbyes, and all that jazz. My uber arrives, and this time its a younger woman. So I'm like ok this will be a chill ride home. She's playing some old school r&b, and I'm feeling relaxed....

We start talking, and she starts telling me I'm her last rider of the night because she lives on the west bank, and she's ready to go especially after her last riders... So I'm like girl what happened? She tells me this story of how it was a couple and they were sooooo drunk, but that's not my story to tell...

Anyway things are going ok, and I'm thinking screw you mercury retrograde, and I'm petty smirking! What happened next knocked the smirk right off my face! I can feel the wheel of the car kinda wobbling, and I'm looking at her and she's not showing any signs of distress so I'm like maybe its just me.... WELL... I hear a loud BANG POP! All of a sudden she looks at me, and everything starts moving in slow motion.. I'm like oh God we are about to have an accident... She looses control of the car and she panics! slams on the brakes which is not the right thing to do because she was damn near going 80 miles an hour on the interstate, and she does slow the car down, but not before hitting the side of the interstate wall... of course it's the side I'm on...

Both of us were fine not a scratch on us but,  just a little nervous... At this point it's 11:30, and I can barely keep my eyes open so I say well I'm going to get out of here so she was like I called 911 we have to wait for the police to get here! I'm like I just want to go home get in bed and sleep until my alarm goes off for work!

At midnight the police arrive and start asking a series of questions and asked me for my license, and I'm still thinking I just want to go home! Anyway the officer says you ladies can arrange for rides home now.... It's damn near one in the morning.... I still have work in the morning, and all my friends are asleep so I have no choice, but to call uber again.... Goddess help me!

Uber dings and it says your ride is almost here! I'm on the side of the interstate, with a police car, and a tow truck you can't miss me, but some how my uber driver does! He calls me, and says Miss Fallon I seemed to have passed you up on the interstate, I got off on Bonnabel, but if you want to walk over I'll wait for you... I'm tired, I have a headache, and this crazy person asked me to walk on the interstate to get to him.. I screamed into my phone are you fucking crazy?! Do you not see how fast these cars are going this is the fucking interstate! He says no need for cursing, and I realize it's dangerous, but I was just thinking it would save me from having to turn around, and it would save you money... I'm livid at this point! I don't give a damn about time, and money turn your ass around and pick me up now! He mumbles something like stupid bitch, but he says rather loudly I'll be there in a second, and hangs up on me! It takes him about 10 minutes to get to me, and at this time its 1:30 in the morning!

He pulls over and picks me up he tries to speak to me... I say hello sir my name is Fallon, and I'm the woman you tried to make commit suicide by walking on the interstate! He says nothing to me after that! My ride home after is uneventful. My driver drops me off and says have a great morning....

When I get inside it's 2a.m., and as I said before I have work for 6....

I will never again underestimate Mercury Retrograde...


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