Australian Adventure Story Part 1

I have wanted to travel to a different country for so long! Every year I would say I don't have the money, or I don't have the time. There was always some reason not to travel. In many ways break ups can push us on our path, and my break up pushed my life into overdrive!

Here's how it all started; years ago when I was still in college I met a girl named Kristi. Kristi was super sweet, and so down to earth, and she still is. One day we were hanging out, and she said my cousin from Australia will be in town soon we all need to hang out! I was like yes, lets do it! Her cousins name in Alexandra, and she's awesome! Over the years Alexandra, and I kept in touch through facebook, and instagram. She would post these beautiful pictures of Australia, and I would become enchanated.

One day she posted a picture, and it was beautiful! It was a picture of her and some friends on the beach, and in that picture that beach was calling me. I felt the feeling of coming home. It was an instant connection! I messaged her immediately, and I inquired about visiting her! I was so excited, and to my surprise so was she! I gave her some dates and we threw some dates around and finally we came up with a time that would be great for us both! It was set I started planning my adventure that day!

There were so many things I needed to do to prepare for my trip. I was on a serious saving kick! I didn't do too many outings with friends that year cause all my money was going to a greater cause! I needed to get a passport which was a pretty painless task. Literally took me a month for the whole process. I had to apply for a tourist visa, and with those you cant apply too early because it only last a year! Any information I could get my hands on I did! I even made a pinterst board called of course South Australian Adventure. Also for those of you who didn't know I went to South Australia, and guys let me tell you Australia is huge! The best information my world traveler friends had for me was to pack light, bring a journal, and live in the moment!

The day before I was leaving I was at work in the restroom, and I realized I was going to Australia alone. I started to have a panic attack I called my best friend hysterical, and guys when I say I was hysterical that is not and overstatement. Looking back on it I'm not even sure what I was so scared of, but I was scared out of my mind in that moment.

After being talked down off the edge I was ready....

Okay guys I'll write more tomorrow!


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