Single Girl Feels

I did say I was going to write about things that are going on in my life, and try to give advice to others. So here's the deal. A lot of you who know me know that I was in a mentally abusive relationship, and when it ended it was a sigh of relief for myself, and a lot of my friends and family.
 My best friend of course was there with a shoulder to cry on, but secretly I knew she was also ecstatic.  My best friends name is Brooke, and she's an amazing woman, if you guys have ever seen Parks and Recreation she's a mix of Leslie Knope, and Ann Perkins, and I'm Donna/April. If you do not understand this reference I need you to go watch Parks and Recreation now! My bestie has a medical background, and also a baking background. So she's my doctor, and also my personal pastry chef. Not really, but kinda..... Also she can cook, I mean she can really cook... just saying

Well anyway its been a year that I've been single, and I'm starting to get what I like to call the "single girl feels." Lets not kid ourselves being single is pretty fun, and freeing! I went to Australia, and it was amazing! I've been doing everything I've ever wanted to do, but thought I couldn't cause of the situation I was in. This has truly been an amazing year for me so far. I'm feeling myself! Also this was the first time in a long time that my bestie, and I were single at the same damn time!

"Single girl feels" come with another side though. I had gotten so used to us hanging out all the time that I didn't think those times would ever come to an end.... Well I mean I knew eventually one of us would break the cycle, and start dating. I had been taking a serious break from dating, I had to figure out what it was I was searching for, and what I needed from a partner. I needed to figure out if I was even ready to be in a relationship again. I have a lot more work to do, but I'm slowly getting there.

Well the time has come that my bestie is serious about this guy, and I get to meet him tomorrow! I'm excited about it because he sounds awesome! I've been calling him jiu jitsu because he does jiu jitsu, but lets hope I don't call him that tomorrow.....

Don't worry you guys will hear all about it tomorrow! Have a great rest of your day and remember you are beautiful and awesome!


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