Be yourself

Good Morning everyone! Well its morning here, and it's a great day so far! Something I have been experiencing lately is people asking me where my confidence comes from. No one ask BeyoncĂ© or Rihanna where their confidence comes from, but because I'm a plus size woman I'm not supposed to be confident. Listen that's just a load of bull. I encouarge everyone to be confident in themselves. Honestly, I have never seen it as having confidence I'm just being myself. I know a lot of people are afraid to truly show who they really are to the world, but ask yourself why?

There will always be some person that will try and pull you down, but who cares! Don't let the haters get you down! I find that when someone is different, and they don't fit into a perfect mold it makes people uncomfortable, and they respond the only way they know how, and unfortunately it's by bullying or picking on that person.

Just know it's okay to march to your drum, and do your own thing! Don't let anyone put you in a box live your life the way you see fit! Smile, laugh loud, have fun! Differences should be celebrated!

Ya'll have a great day! Get out there, and show the world who you really are!


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